Magento Plugin: Installation and Administration Guide

Installation and updates

Go to to find the latest version of the plugin for Latvia.

Go to to find the latest version of the plugin for Estonia.


To install the Magento plugin, ensure you have SSH access to the server. Follow these steps:

1. Begin by downloading the plugin files.
2. Access the Magento 2 directory on your server.
3. Upload the downloaded files to the 'app/code' directory within the Magento 2 directory.
4. Once the files are uploaded, proceed with the following command sequence:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

These commands will initialize the plugin installation process. Similarly, this sequence can be used to update the module when necessary.

Main plugin settings


To proceed with the plugin setup, you need to complete the authorization process.

In the Magento administration page, navigate to Stores -> Configuration (1) -> Sales (2) -> Delivery Methods (3) menu. Here, locate the tab labeled "Lithuanian Post" (4).

Use the provided credentials (5) to authenticate the plugin.

Attention: Authorization is only available for Unisend clients with a service contract and enabled API access.

You can enable API access and obtain authorization credentials within your Unisend self-service account.

Sender information

On the same main settings page, following authorization, proceed to fill in the sender information.

In the sender's information section, it is required to enter the sender's name, e-mail address, phone number and address. The information specified in this section will be visible in the printed documents.

Pickup information

If your pick-up address differs from the sender's address, choose "No" (1).

The information provided in this section will be used as the main address where the courier will come to pick up the prepared packages.

Shipping methods

Shipping settings

On the main plugin settings page, under Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Delivery Methods -> Unisend (1), you can independently manage the delivery methods for both Lithuanian Post (2) and Unisend (3).

Shipping methods

Here is an example of how to add the shipping method "Parcel locker" if you will personally dispatch the goods from a parcel locker.

* Hold down the "CTRL" key to select or deselect multiple shipping methods.

1. Expand the "Unisend delivery settings" section.
2. Select "Shipment from and to UNISEND self-service terminal/ locker.".

3. Expand the settings section associated with the shipping method you are creating.
4. Enter the name of the shipping method visible to customers in the store's checkout page. It can be entered in free form, for example: "Parcel locker"
5. Enter the shipping price if you are applying a flat-rate, and specify the order amount threshold at which shipping becomes free.
6. Specify your most commonly used parcel size, which will be used as the default when creating shipping labels. If you want to use a different size than the default for individual orders, you can adjust it before creating the shipment in the order page.

After completing steps 1-5 as mentioned above, proceed to add any additional required shipping methods.

Shipping price

Weight and/or Country Based Shipping

Expand the section "Unisend Delivery Settings" (1).

To utilize shipping costs based on weight and/or country, you must click the "Export CSV" button next to the instruction "Export pricing table" (2). This action will generate the correct CSV document format that simply needs to be filled out.

If the weight of the products exceeds the previously specified weight, this method will not be available. After filling out the document, save it, upload (3), and save the settings by clicking the "Save Config" button (4).

Printing labels and manifests

Printing of labels can be done in two ways. The first is when you want to create labels in bulk, ie. for all selected orders at once. The second is when you want to create a label for one specific order.

Bulk labels printing

To create labels in bulk, follow these steps:
In the list of orders (1), select the orders (2) for which you want to create labels. Then, from the actions list (3), choose "Unisend Actions" (4) -> "Create Shipping Labels" (5).

Labels will be printed based on the default settings you specified for each shipping method.

You can view and manage Unisend shipments in a dedicated page designed specifically for Unisend orders.

In this page, you can easily:

Once the labels are created, the order status is automatically updated accordingly.

You can print labels by selecting orders with generated labels and clicking Actions -> Print Shipping Labels or Actions -> Print all documents in the Unisend orders list.

Label for a single shipment.

If you prefer to create a shipment for a single order, you can edit the shipment data in the order page. Click the "Edit shipment" button (1).

After clicking the button, a pop-up window will appear where you can adjust the shipping method, size, parcel-locker, sender information, and CN22/CN23 declaration information for a specific shipment. After making the necessary corrections to the shipment information, click the "Save (3)" button.

You can also print a label by clicking the "Ship" button on the single order page.

Courier call and manifest printing

To call the courier and print the manifest, you must select "Unisend Actions" -> "Call Courier" from the Actions list on the orders page.

Alternatively, you can perform this action on the Unisend Shipment List page (1) by selecting the necessary orders (2) and then clicking on Actions -> Invite Courier (3).

After successfully calling the courier, the status of the order will be changed to "Courier Called".

CN declarations

You can fill in or edit CN declaration information on the order page. Click the "Edit shipment" (1) button and complete the form (3) in the "CN declaration" (2) section of the opened shipment editing window. After filling out the form, click the "Save" button (4).

The data provided for CN declarations is automatically generated, so this step is only necessary if you want to modify the information that has already been generated. After correcting the declaration information, when generating the label, the CN declaration will be automatically added along with the label; there is no need to print it separately. You can print the CN declaration for all orders through mass actions by selecting "Actions" -> "Print all documents" in the list of orders.

Shipment tracking

To track the shipment status, click on the shipment tracking number in the "Unisend" order list.


Important Notice: Please be aware that this plugin's functionality may be affected if there are modifications to the core Magento installation files or if you are using heavily customized templates or specific modules.

Feel free to reach out to us via email at or if you encounter any issues or have questions related to the integration or functionality of this plugin.